"Brain, shake out thy water, dog-like." -- Ron Padgett

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Class 10: Collaboration

Why collaborate?

What is the single author?
What can collaboration bring the individual writer/the poem?
Leaps & word tennis
More than one voice

How can one element relate to the other?

-word repletion
-contrast – of tone, word, content, etc.
-tangentially related image
-‘leaps’ /contrast.
-how far can a line/stanza leap before the poem falls apart?
-what elements can be used to 'hold it' together?

-see link to how renga link verses below.



Interesting ways to link verses (see about halfway down the linked page.)


Wight by Stanley Plumly

Hip-Hop Ghazal by Patricia Smith

Drizzle by William Matthews


1. Write a first line to a poem. Give it to someone else to finish. (Write four lines in addition to the first.)

2. SPEED DATE:  alternate words. Time limit: five minutes.

3. Alternate lines with another writer.

4. BLIND DATE:  write five lines containing the words:

parking lot 
Then you have 6 minutes to put the lines together together with another writer into a ten line poem.
Together you revise & change at will. (Variation: you each take the poem and revise it in your own way.)

5. Everyone writes a draft of a poem. (3 minutes) Then they give their draft to someone else to revise.

6. Write a renga with a partner

7. Write a ghazal

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